its field trip day for ms.rapples class! you are madine nickleson. youre 12 years old. ms. Rapple assigns partners for your project about animals. you get assigned to your best friend, maggie crawford, a blond girl with glasses and a pony tail. while on the bus, everyone is talking about the trip an it gets loud. you say silently,"its getting way too loud in here! i need my headphones." you put them on and start to listen to queen, news of the world on spotify. after 25 miuets, your teacher wanted everyones attention, so she asked your partner to tap your sholder. you paused your song and the teacher says, "miss Nickelson! i need you to listen to my directions until we got to the woods." ms.Rapple walks torwads the first 2 seats and starts to talk.
Do you choose to listen to your teacher, turn to [[page 2]]
If you choose to continue to lisen to to your music, turn to [[page 3]]
Ms. Rapple clears her throat " Well class im gonna tell you what to find on your trip to the woods" She tells everyone, "If you see any bugs, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals that live in the woods, take a picture." You fall asleep and you dream of watching tv and eating cookies. A golden streak shines throuh your dream that wakes you up.
"hey! Madine, wake up! says Maggie "We're here!"
"The sk is way darker than when i fell asleep!" shouted Madine
"Cmon lets do the project that teach says. She told us what tp dp when she was talking in the bus"
Crap! I dont know what Rapple said!
If you want to ask Maggie, [[ page 4 ]]
If you want to figure it out on your own, [[ page 5]]
you see that the sky is turning grey and dark yellow. "probaly a storm" you say silently. you see something glitch from the sky. lighting! flash, boom, POW! it scares you. you also see a fat duck trying to fly but it loooks it ate to much bread. the bus turns very sharply and your head hits the window. after the bus makes a complete stop, it beaks down. "we are stuck here." said the bus driver
your teacher clls the school while the bus driver calls a mechnic. you get bored and start playing apps on your phone.
"well class, lets walk in this good weather." said Ms R.
"the forest, of course"
your class walks about 2.5 miles in the rain. chris, one of your classmates was talking the sky during the walk, a kid named Derra pushes you in the mud.
if you push her is [[page 5]]
if you let it slide [[ page 7]]
<img src="">Maggie says, "we have to take some pictures of animals and show Ms Rapple and when we go to school, write a report of the trip here"
If you just zone out its on [[page 8]]
If you listened its [[Page 9]]
<img src="">FLASH! CLICK! LAUGHS! all but you are taking pictures of animals. OH! thats what im suppose to do! you phone is stuck in your pocket and when your pull it out, it falls very hard on the ground.
you been attacked by Derra's jiu jitsu moves and one attack hits your eye. you fall again into the mud. maggie helps you up and derra laughs at you.magie gives you ice and your hand stats to feel itchy.You get back up and try to wipe the mud off but some woudnt get off. Derra with her curly brown hair laughing at you. You snarled at her abd continued walking. After 11 minutes, youve arrived at the woods, meeting jennifer, the woods ranger, she had reddish brown hair
<img src="">Too bad! Your grade from the fiels field trip is a D minus! you seat closer to the teacher when she lectures from now on
Congrats! you got a good grade on the project! your teacher was proud of your actions focusing on the project than your phone.
<img src="">i Should see if i or someone else can fix my motorola phone when you get towards the puddle you see something in it and you go invesigate. You look and its a purple haired blue girl that grabs your hand in the last second you look again to make sure youre not losing your mind. Bubble bubble bubble! Your underwater by the lady of the black puddle.
<img src="">if you go see what the noise is [[page 11]]
if you ignore it [[page 12]]
<img src=""><img src="">
you get very itchy and you miss scholl for 2 days turn to page 8
tkkkktkkkktkkk- brrrrrrrrrrrr! The chatter of squirrels talking! one squirrel had a sgin pointing to exploding eath. world domination is being chatted upon them! 3 weeks later all the squirrels took over earth.
<img src="">It feels like thousands of ants crawling on your arm and legs! Poison vy! YIKES! your scratching uncontrollably
<img src="">GASP! you missed out on seeing a mutated squirrel!
<img src="">FIN
<img src="">