"Kito meet Cody"said Alesha to Kito he has a problem and he needs your guidance Wait Alesha what about the sea monster crisis Cody asked Alesha that can wait said Alesha Don't you want to know why you have a mermaid's tail" "i guess but..."dont worry" said alesha we can tell him my problem later,i think your conflict needs to be solved first"
So Cody told Kito everything about how he is a human. And his surf contest and how when he fell into the water his legs turned into a merman tail "and the whole ugly truth" said Cody "well I'll you this" said Kito "you're not a human you're a merman" " what" shouted Cody "when Merfolk reach dry land their tails turn to legs" " but I have been in the water my whole life and I haven't grown a tail until now" said Cody " I don't know about that" said Kito "I'm guessing that when a merchild stays on land for longer than a month,their tails dont adjust until maturity,it has nevr happened until you showed up so i'm not 100% sure how it works"
"Alesha" said Kito to Alesha "did you know your parents had a child before they had you?" "they did!" said Alesha "is he or she still alive where can I find him or her" "he" said Kito is sanding In this I this very room right now" kito pointed to cody "wha..." Cody and Alesha looked at each other in shock
"Cody when you were a baby you were kidnapped by the sea monsters"said kito they were planning to use you as ransom for your parents to hand over their kingdom however one of the monsters lost you and you floated to the surface and you probably know the rest" "Yea said cody i was adopted by a retired marine biologist who i call uncle jesse, but why didn't my parents go look for me" "they did said kito they sent every sea creature young and old to find you but they couldn't find you anywhere in the ocean they thought you died" "well i'm here now" said cody "alesha, mom and dad are still around right?" "dad is" said alesha "but mom died a couple of years ago lung cancer" "oh "said cody in a very sad mood "wait kito why didn't..."cody never got to finish his sentence because kito was starting to shake "kito what's wrong "said alesha "i'm feeling an evil aura"said kito it's the sea monsters they're on their way to attack the kingdom and they will be there in 180 hours" then what are we waiting for" said alesha " we gotta warn the merfolk about This crisis before it's too late"